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OUR HISTORY  1957—2012

Immanuel has been a part of three denominational bodies in its 100 year history. Originally founded as a missionary outreach of the Reformed Church of America . . . Sheboygan Classis . . . it followed the parent denomination in joining with the Evangelical Synod of North America to become the Evangelical & Reformed Church, June 24, 1934. Again the parent denomination merged with the General Council of the Congregational Christian Churches, June 25, 1957, to form the United Church of Christ. Immanuel joined with this merger, but interestingly enough, had already merged with the local First Congregational Church on the south side, April 15, 1945, pre-dating the national merger by twelve years, perhaps the first in the entire country. 

The symbol of the United Church of Christ is based on Jesus’ High Priestly Prayer from John 17, which reaches out to unite the church universal. Thus, the United Church of Christ is united and uniting. The interior of the symbol has the cross at its center, rooted in the sphere called earth, where the church (disciples) is to be a witness in Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria, and the uttermost parts of the earth (note the three divisions of earth). The crown of righteousness is for those who are faithful in the ministry and mission of the cross on earth. 

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